Papers & Documents

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Hunter Class Frigate Design Characteristics

Hunter Class Frigate Project – the Path to Designing and Building an Australian ASW Frigate

The Hunter Class Frigate (HCF) is the Australian variant of the Global Combat Ship (GCS) Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW) Frigate based upon the UK Reference Ship Design (RSD) for the Type 26 Frigate (T26).

The project will build 9 ships for the Royal Australian Navy (RAN) to replace the current fleet of 8 ANZAC Frigates, with construction to be undertaken in the Osborne Naval ship yard in Adelaide, South Australia by BAE Systems Maritime Australia (BAESMA).

This paper focuses primarily on the HCF characteristics that are different from other GCS variants, and will outline indicative project milestones on the path to designing and building HCF Batch 1.